About Gerard
Gerard is an independent filmmaker and visual artist from New Jersey. He has directed and produced several short films, music videos and corporate commercials. He’s won awards such as Best Director, Best FX, Best Short film, Best Screenplay, and has been nominated for many other awards by film Festivals in the Tristate area.
As a screenwriter and novel author, Gerard’s psychological thrillers have drawn the attention of several actors and producers in the Tri-State area. His work consists of Directing and DP of Corporate Commercials, Narrative work and Independent Films.
Gerard directs and shoots with the edit in mind. Meticulous in detailed color pallets and emotional frame compositions, he believes that lighting and production design is an elemental key in cinematography.
“…The perfect shot of the human emotion can only be capture when there's a fusion of talent and cinematic craftsmanship.”
-Gerard A. M.